Do The Right Thing
I placed a packet of information regarding "Do the Right Thing" in your mailbox. Please read through the information. "Do the Right Thing" is an incentive program that recognizes students who have exemplary behavior. Included in the packet is a nomination form. Please make copies of this nomination form. There are also additional copies in drawer #19 in the workroom. Nominations are due mid month. I will inform you of the due date each month via email. The first month's "Do the Right Thing" nominations are due to me no later than Wednesday, September 10.
Please try to nominate one student from your class. Please put your nomination forms in my mailbox. You need to have a minimum of four sentences describing the student you are nominating. If you have any questions, please see me. Thank you for your participation and cooperation!
Ms. Sheara Schwartz
Guidance Counselor
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