Reading Update (Grades 3-5)
Word of the Week:
esteem - 1 : to think of in a particular way : consider
2 : to think very highly or favorably of
Sentence - Keira is thrilled to have been put in charge of a ceremony
honoring a teacher that the students esteem as a guide and role
Benchmark Skills of the Week:
Continue working on the following benchmark items during your daily
- Cause and Effect
- Vocabulary
* Refer to the vocabulary task card in reference to multiple meaning words.
FCAT Writing Benchmark Focus:
- Ms. Carter will continue to pull all fourth graders for writing instruction.
FCAT Reading Benchmark Focus:
- Follow Grade Level "Instructional Focus Calendar" based on Houghton
Mifflin series Theme 2
Date(s) to Remember:
- Reading PLUS begins this week. All students must utilize the computer
based reading program twice a week for 30 minutes a day.
- Accelerated Reader - Teachers, make sure that all of your students are
visiting the media center and are taking AR test daily. All students must
read and take 10 AR test by October 25.
Helpful Websites: