Saturday, June 02, 2007

FCAT error could delay school grades

The release of school grades could be delayed as a task force tries to determine how the scoring of an FCAT reading test was botched.

A task force charged with restoring public faith in the FCAT ended its first meeting Friday with more questions than answers. One of the questions: When will the state release the much-anticipated school grades?

The Florida Department of Education announced that it would rescore last year's third-grade FCAT reading test after officials discovered that human error had inflated last year's student scores. Officials are looking at a number of factors that may have contributed to the problem but have been unable so far to specify what went wrong.
DOE officials said the mistake could delay the release of this year's school grades, which typically is done in mid-June. In past years, school officials have notified parents of such choices before the start of the school year, but that could be pushed back as far as October, Blomberg said.
Source: Miami Herals